Saturday, September 14News That Matters

Online Security

Online Security–How Concerned Should Preppers Be?

Online Security–How Concerned Should Preppers Be?

Online Security
Now and then I hear from readers who are concerned about online security. How concerned should preppers be about being tracked online? They wonder whether it’s safe to make purchases from my site or other prepper sites. In fact, is it even safe to view such sites? I’ve assured readers that, to the best of my knowledge, any tracking being done is by advertisers who are more interested in their buyng habits than the government is in gathering data. Of course, that may not always be the case. The main thing is to practice common sense by not deliberately revealing too much about yourself online. Back in the spring I interviewed Riverwalker for DestinySurvival Radio on the subject of OP SEC and how preppers can practice discretion to protect themselves and their families. I wrote a po...