Friday, February 7News That Matters


Of Negatives And Positives

Of Negatives And Positives

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By the middle of the morning on Saturday Diane’s kids were up and watching cable TV in the next room, eating freshly baked cinnamon rolls. Survival Sally and Diane continued their conversation. “Sally, I love your money saving tips,” said Diane, “and I think Duane will, too.” “Uh, oh, here comes the ‘But,’” said Sally laughingly. “Well, yes,” Diane began. “All this talk about being prepared for bad things to come is important I’m sure, but it all sounds so negative. I don’t want to bring my kids up in that kind of an atmosphere.” “As Sam is fond of saying, ‘The world is an unfriendly place.’ The trick is getting through life the best way possible. It doesn’t all have to be a downer. We can learn to do things that are interesting and fun. And like Sam also points out, a lot depe...